Willow Tree Farm Ticket Portal

Farm Admission

Tickets for entry to our farm which is open 10am-4pm daily.

Fab Feb offer will automataclly discount at check out 

We have over 400 animals onsite ranging from:

Farm animals - pigs, sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, donkey, alpacas,

Birds - buggies, finch, barn owls 

Exotics - wallabies, meerkats, prairie dogs, reindeer, Harris hawk, Giant tortoises, African grey parrot, 

Plus a wide range of activities to enjoy - for full information of what to do on your visit click here


Ticket options

  • Child Minder Ticket
    Child Minder Ticket

    This ticket is for the use of child minders only. You will need proof on entry so please bring your registration and ID. Each person will need a age related ticket.

    0 30 max

    This ticket is for the use of child minders only. You will need proof on entry so please bring your registration and ID. Each person will need a age related ticket.

Farm Admission

Tickets for entry to our farm which is open 10am-4pm daily.

Fab Feb offer will automataclly discount at check out 

We have over 400 animals onsite ranging from:

Farm animals - pigs, sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, donkey, alpacas,

Birds - buggies, finch, barn owls 

Exotics - wallabies, meerkats, prairie dogs, reindeer, Harris hawk, Giant tortoises, African grey parrot, 

Plus a wide range of activities to enjoy - for full information of what to do on your visit click here


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